Welcome to AEROSISU

Aero : air, atmosphere; aircraft; gasses Sisu : A Finnish concept. It stands for the philosophy that what must be done will be done, regardless of what it takes. Sisu is a special strength and persistent determination and resolve to continue and overcome in the moment of adversity, a combination of stamina, perseverance, courage, and determination held in reserve for hard times.

Thanks for flying in! Even if

it’s not for maintenance.

AEROSISU, owned by Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Barry Suomu, provides mobile Aircraft Maintenance and Service to support our privately owned aircraft in Muskoka, Parry Sound and Almaguin Districts. Wheels, Floats and Skis! Certified, Homebuilt and Ultralight support!

Welcome to


Aero : air, atmosphere; aircraft; gasses Sisu : A Finnish concept. It stands for the philosophy that what must be done will be done, regardless of what it takes. Sisu is a special strength and persistent determination and resolve to continue and overcome in the moment of adversity, a combination of stamina, perseverance, courage, and determination held in reserve for hard times.

Thanks for flying in! Even

if it’s not for maintenance.

AEROSISU, owned by Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Barry Suomu, provides mobile Aircraft Maintenance and Service to support our privately owned aircraft in Muskoka, Parry Sound and Almaguin Districts. Wheels, Floats and Skis! Certified, Homebuilt and Ultralight support!